iFADO Project Final Workshop – 1st June 2023

In: Upcoming Events

The iFADO consortium welcomes you to the final project workshop, which will be held in hybrid format on June 1st 2023, in Lisbon (Portugal).

This workshop will showcase the main products and applications developed during the project’s lifetime (Nov 2017-June 2023). The workshop will be shaped into short dedicated presentations involving activities related to novel and traditional monitoring campaigns, remote sensing and numerical modelling products. The workshop will highlight the evolution in international coordination and collaboration achieved during the project within the partnership and with external actors and stakeholders. The results of the project will support the continuous implementation of the Marine Strategy Framework Directive in the Atlantic Area. Join us and meet the team and learn from the project results.

Please register here to receive the workshop link or to confirm your attendance in person.

The event agenda can be find here.

Event details:
Timing: June 1st, 2023 – 09:00-17:30 WEST Time Zone (UTC +1)
Address: Instituto Superior Técnico Congress Centre, Room 02.1, Lisbon, Portugal
Venue location