A new paper published with the support of iFADO

In: Scientific papers

Professor Vanda Brotas (University of Lisbon) is the co-author of the paper “Accuracy Assessment of Primary Production Models with and without Photoinhibition Using Ocean-Colour Climate Change Initiative Data in the North East Atlantic Ocean”.

The paper assesses the accuracy of several Primary Production models that are commonly used in the literature. The models were run using the European Space Agency (ESA), Ocean Colour Climate Change Initiative (OC-CCI) version 3.0 data on ocean color, and results were compared with in-situ data measured with carbon 14. The paper shows the spatial distribution of satellite estimated primary production [mg C m−2 day−1] for summer and autumn (based on a climatology from 1998-2011) for the iFADO study area, evidencing a strong latitudinal gradient as well as the effect of coastal upwelling on primary production values.

This work was supported by the Russian Foundation for Basic Research (RFBR grants 18-35-00543 and 16-05-00452), the INTERREG Atlantic Area Cross-border Cooperation Programme project “Innovation in the Framework of the Atlantic Deep Ocean” (iFADO under contract EAPA 165/2016), the UK Natural Environment Research Council National Capability funding for the Atlantic Meridional Transect (AMT) to Plymouth Marine Laboratory.

You can download the paper here: Lobanova_etal_RemoteSensing_2018